
Using Village Electricity Grids to Teach Power Distribution and Network Efficiency

Implementations of village electricity grids are a perfect model that can be used to explain power delivery and network optimization. Village grids are the less-complicated power systems as compared to urban power systems which could be cumbersome and at times, confusing. They are particularly suited for the students and the professionals to be able to…

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The Importance of Traditional Smoke Signals in Communication Lessons

Smokes signals as types of the old communication system are helpful in analyzing the development of the people’s interaction and new ideas appeared to convey the messages over big distances. Till earlier times, mechanical smoked signals were employed by native people, armies, and other clans in order to send simple information to long distances across…

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How Traditional Encryption Methods Influence Modern Data Security Teaching

The concept of using encryption can be traced to thousands of years back where even civilization’s basic methods of concealing their messages were encryption. Although nowadays there are many more developed methods of protecting data, the basic ideas that exist in the current world of protection are also traceable in the mentioned traditional ones. While…

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How Local Farming Data is Used to Teach Machine Learning in Rural Schools

Artificial intelligence or more specifically machine learning (ML) is a powerful tool that has capability to learn from data and make predictions. Since rural schools may appear quite distant from the world of technology and data, teaching machine learning can be made fun and easy using agricultural data from the region. As a science, Agriculture…

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Teaching Meteorology Using Local Wind Patterns in Desert Schools

 Using analysis of schools situated in the desert area in teaching meteorology is informative and perfect for the students since it involves studying the wind patterns. Deserts come with their own environmental conditions which allow use of wind patterns as real life examples of certain meteorological concepts. By studying these winds, learners in the desert…

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Incorporating Local Textile Patterns to Teach Symmetry in Geometry Lessons

Using sample local textile patterns to teach geometry makes lessons more focused on the actual patterns, making the lesson close to the students’ culture. Textile designs, including many of those presented here with their abundance of geometrical content, give students a colorful and tactile opportunity to develop an understanding of reflection, rotation, and translation symmetries….

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The Use of Traditional Water Filtration Methods to Teach Chemistry

Integrating indigenous water purification techniques into the concepts of chemistry for pupils gives an insight of how traditional techniques coupled with chemistry is very crucial in filtering water. These traditional techniques that include sand filtration, charcoal filtration, use of natural coagulants, enable students to learn important aspects of chemistry including filtration, solubility, adsorption, and chemical…

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